Thursday, 25 July 2013

Play Games app for Android, all the Android games in one place

Google has released a new dedicated app for all the games on the Play Store, called Google Play Games. This app puts focus on discovering new games as well as tracking your achievements and scores as well as playing multiplayer games with your friends. It’s more or less the Game Center equivalent for Android.
The Play Games app looks quite similar to the new Play Music and Play Movies apps. You can see a list of your friends from Google+ with details about the games they have and their achievements. Currently, not a lot of games support this feature so you’re likely to see mostly empty profile pages.
The app also has a featured games section where it highlights new games. Below, it suggests people that you may know but aren’t already in your Google+ circles.
Yes, this is Android’s answer to Apple’s Game Center.
This release ties directly into the May announcement of Google Play games services, a utility that lets developers include cloud saving, achievements and multiplayer features into their apps.
The reasoning behind this launch, Google says, is that it wants to ”turbo charge gaming on Android.” If you’re hooked on competing with friends, or even crossing over from an iOS device, this app may prove a welcome addition to Android.
The app keeps a list of your own games, along with recently played ones and your achievements. Just like the Play Music, Movies or Books app, you can’t actually purchase anything from this app but are directed towards the Play Store app when you hit the purchase button. You do see the list of achievements (including the ones you’ve unlocked) and leaderboards for that game, which is not visible on the Play Store.
The Play Games app is now available on the Play Store and can be downloaded from the link below.

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