once had two moons, the one visible today and a much smaller 'twin' that
crashed to form one lunar body, scientists claim. The second moon would have
formed early in Earth's history from the same giant impact thought to have
given rise to the surviving moon, according to the theory by Professor Erik
Asphaug, from the University of California at Santa Cruz. "The second moon
would have lasted for only a few million years; then it would have collided
with the moon to leave the one large body we see today," he was quoted as
saying by 'The Sunday Times'. Evidence of the 'twin' is to be found on the dark
side of the moon permanently turned away from Earth which has mountainous
landscapes very different from the smooth face visible on Earth, Asphaug said.
He believes that those mountains are actually the remains of the smaller moon,
which would have been around one-thirtieth the size of the larger body.
"It would have orbited Earth at the same speed and distance and just got
slowly sucked in until they hit and then coalesced," he said. Scientists
believe that at one time the inner solar system may have had up to 20
planet-sized bodies that collided into each other until only the eight we see
today remained. Earth and its moon are thought to have been formed between 30
million and 130 million years after the birth of the solar system when a
proto-Earth was struck by a smaller planet the size of Mars. Asphaug will
present his theory at a conference on the moon to be held at the Royal Society
in London in September. A total of nine ‘super-Earths’, planets
between one and 10 times the mass of Earth have previously been found.
Scientists from Harvard put forward a theory last year that suggested the Moon
was once part of Earth that spun off after they collided with another body. The
study was published in journal Science. Last month astronomers
reported discovered three planets, similar to Earth, orbiting around a single
star which may be able to support life. Researchers estimate there could be as
many as 100 billion planets similar to the Earth in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The researchers involved hope that data from two US space
agency (Nasa) lunar missions will substantiate or challenge their theory within
the next year. For decades, scientists have been trying to understand why the
near side of the Moon - the one visible from Earth - is flat and cratered while
the rarely-seen far side is heavily cratered and has mountain ranges higher
than 3,000m. Various theories have been proposed to explain what's termed the
lunar dichotomy. One suggests that tidal heating, caused by the pull of the
Earth on the ocean of liquid rock that once flowed under the lunar crust, may
have been the cause. But this latest paper proposes a different solution: a
long-term series of cosmic collisions. The researchers argue that the Earth was
struck about four billion years ago by another planet about the size of Mars.
This is known as the global-impact hypothesis. The resulting debris eventually
coalesced to form our Moon. But the scientists say that another, smaller lunar
body may have formed from the same material and become stuck in a gravitational
tug of war between the Earth and the Moon.
Far side of the Moon
It takes the Moon about the same amount of time to rotate on its axis as it does to complete an orbit of the Earth
This is known as "synchronous rotation" and explains why the Moon always presents its familiar near side to Earth
The near side is covered in smooth, dark lunarmaria (Latin for "seas") created by magma erupting on the surface
The far side is more rugged, with a thicker crust pock-marked by impact craters; the highest point on the Moon is located on the far side
In 1959, the USSR's unmanned spacecraft Luna 3 became the first to photograph the far side; many of the features have been given Soviet names
Far side of the Moon
It takes the Moon about the same amount of time to rotate on its axis as it does to complete an orbit of the Earth
This is known as "synchronous rotation" and explains why the Moon always presents its familiar near side to Earth
The near side is covered in smooth, dark lunarmaria (Latin for "seas") created by magma erupting on the surface
The far side is more rugged, with a thicker crust pock-marked by impact craters; the highest point on the Moon is located on the far side
In 1959, the USSR's unmanned spacecraft Luna 3 became the first to photograph the far side; many of the features have been given Soviet names
After spending millions of
years "stuck", the smaller moon embarked on a collision course with
its big sister, slowly crashing into it at a velocity of less than three
kilometres per second - slower than the speed of sound in rocks. Dr Jutzi says
it was a low velocity crash: "It was a rather gentle collision at around
2.4km per second; lower than the speed of sound - that's important because it
means no huge shocks or melting was produced. At the time of the smash, the
bigger moon would have had a "magma ocean" with a thin crust on top.The
scientists argue that the impact would have led to the build-up of material on
the lunar crust and would also have redistributed the underlying magma to the
near side of the moon, an idea backed up by observations from Nasa's Lunar
Prospector spacecraft. In a commentary, Dr Maria Zuber from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, US, suggests that while the new
study "demonstrates plausibility rather than proof", the authors
"raise the legitimate possibility that after the giant impact our Earth
perhaps fleetingly possessed more than one moon". The researchers believe
one way of proving their theory is to compare their models with the detailed
internal structure of the moon that will be obtained by Nasa's Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter. They will also be looking to high resolution gravity
mapping set to be carried out next year by the Gravity Recovery and Interior
Laboratory (GRAIL) mission. But according to Dr Jutzi the scientists would
prefer to get their hands on samples from the far side of the Moon to prove
their theory. "Hopefully in future, a sample return or a manned mission
would certainly help to say more about which theory is more probable." Earth once had two moons,
which merged in a slow-motion collision that took several hours to completeBoth
satellites would have formed from debris that was ejected when a Mars-size
protoplanet smacked into Earth late in its formation period. Whereas
traditional theory states that the infant Moon rapidly swept up any rivals or
gravitationally ejected them into interstellar space, the new theory suggests
that one body survived, parked in a gravitationally stable point in the
Earth–Moon system. Several such 'Lagrangian' points exist, but the two most
stable are in the Moon's orbit, 60° in front or 60° behind. Traces of this
'other' moon linger in a mysterious dichotomy between the Moon's visible side
and its remote farside, says Erik Asphaug "By definition, a big collision
occurs only on one side," he says, "and unless it globally melts the
planet, it creates an asymmetry." Asphaug and Jutzi have created a
computer model showing that the Moon's current state can be explained by a
collision with a sister moon about one-thirtieth the Moon's mass, or around
1,000 kilometres in diameter. Such a moon could have survived in a Lagrangian
point long enough for its upper crust and that of the Moon to solidify, even as
the Moon's deeper KREEP layer remained liquid. Meanwhile, tidal forces from
Earth would have been causing both moons to migrate outward. When they reached
about one-third of the Moon's present distance (a process that would take tens
of millions of years), the Sun's gravity would have become a player in their
orbital dynamics. "The Lagrange points become unstable and anything
trapped there is adrift," Asphaug says. Soon after, the two moons
collided. But because they were in the same orbit, the collision was at a
relatively low speed. "It's not a typical cratering event, where you fire
a 'bullet' and excavate a crater much larger than the bullet," Asphaug
says. "Here, you make a crater only about one-fifth the volume of the
impactor, and the impactor just kind of splats into the cavity." In the
hours after the impact, gravity would have crushed the impactor to a relatively
thin layer, pasted on top of the Moon's existing crust. "You end up with a
pancake," Asphaug says. The impact
would have pushed the still-liquid KREEP layer to the Moon's opposite side. Apshaug's
theory isn't the only attempt to explain the lunar dichotomy. Others have
invoked tidal effects from Earth's gravity, or convective forces from cooling
rocks in the Moon's mantle. Peter Schultz of Brown University in Providence,
Rhode Island, calls it "interesting" and "provocative",
despite his own theory involving a high-angle collision at the Moon's south
pole, which he believes would have pressed crustal material northward to form
the farside highlands3.
"All this is great fun and tells us that there are very fundamental
questions that remain about the Moon," he says. NASA's upcoming GRAIL
mission, designed to probe the Moon's interior using precise measurements of
its gravity, may help figure out what happened billions of years ago. "But
in the end," Schultz says, "new lunar samples may be necessary."
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