Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Facebook (Y) is now an adult with increase in job for it ........ now also the send button

   Yo FB lykrs . Dis post is spcialy fr dose whu type lyk dis and dnt giv a shit fr da corrkt gram. LOL ! Thankfully i won't post this with weird texting language. The news is that the "like" thats being getting all the love as of late. Facebook has rolled out a minor new feature for both its Android and iOS messaging apps. Though minor , it is still hard to miss. The message box now includes a giant (Y) [like] that swaps places with your send button in the app. Presumably, it's the kind of thing you will tap to if you appreciate the content of what you received or else if you are too lazy to congratulate the other person. From personal experience, i use it pretty much to replace "k " that i often text to my friends. As long as the last message in your conversation is from the other end, you can like it. You aren't bound by a time window thankfully It gets worse, you can even LIKE a [like] by putting a (Y) like. Please resist the urge to do so, let it take away from the evolution of communication that humanity has enjoyed from a 1000 years. Your phone won't vibrate differently nor will it produce another horrible sound to inform you about the like that liked your like . Unfortunately there isnt a thumbs down still available !

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