Facebook's Instagram, which had recently added short video sharing support to its mobile application, has now issued a new update for its mobile apps on Android and iOS platforms . The biggest update is the ability to import video from your library, meaning you can share video you've previously recorded with another app. There's also a straightening tool for iOS users, which fixes your photos that are slightly crooked.
Mind you, this may not work for your several minutes long videos(Once the video is uploaded, providing it's shorter than 15 seconds, users can choose to record more video after the pre-recorded footage.). Using the new Instagram app 4.1 , users can import videos and then trim the best parts they wish to be portrayed in the short video. The square-crop will let the user place the action scenes in the center. After trimming, user can apply the filter and choose a frame as the cover.The great thing about the update, which might not so good news for Vine, is that users can add two or more shorter pre-recorded videos into one Instagram post until the 15-second limit is reached.This gives a way for those Vine users who fancy transferring their social video skills to Instagram to upload two of their saved six-second Vine video files from their camera roll into one Instagram post, giving them a reason to leave the Twitter app for good.Those who aren't Vine users wanting to convert to Instagram can now spend time in the app editing together old video clips into one post. However, it does pave the way for the posting of many more nonsense posts, such as ads, spam and pornography.
"We've also made it so that you can choose how you square-crop your clip so you can keep the action front and centre," Instagram wrote in a blog post."There are few things more distracting than a crooked horizon in a photo," Instagram explained. "We're happy to announce that we've developed a brand new technology that brings you straight photos instantly."
The new app also brings automatic straightening of the photos instantly on the iOS mobile platform. The new Straighten icon will appear after the user has clicked an image using the Instagram's in-app camera.Straightening for iOS is a very basic addition, allowing users to straighten their photographs before posting. Unfortunately there's no straightening for Instagram videos.
Instagram has also extended the support of the app to the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update running significant number of devices out there. Previously, video was only available to Android users running 4.1 and up.
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