Indian music streaming service Dhingana has launched an app for Windows 8 smartphones, as it seeks to broaden its presence across all key mobile platforms.Dhingana today announced the launch of its app for Windows 8 phone devices. Already available on Windows tablets, the Dhingana app lets consumers access a library of over 1 million tracks in over 40 different languages across genres.This will allow the music lover to access over a million of tracks in over 40 different languages across genres through the Dhingana app. “We are thrilled to add Dhingana to the hugely popular and rapidly growing Windows Phone Store. Given the appetite for music in India, we are sure it will be a must-have app for all music lovers”, said Microsoft Corporation India pvt ltd, Windows phone business group, director Vineet Durani.
The application can now thus be downloaded from the Windows Phone store.
"The launch of the Dhingana app for Windows smartphones is testimony to our mobile first strategy that will enable us to consolidate our leadership across all key mobile platforms. Our Windows 8 app resonated very well and we expect that this launch will only add to the growth of our loyal listenership across the Windows ecosystem," said Swapnil Shinde, co-founder and chief operating officer of Dhingana.The key features of the app include minimalistic design and great user experience with a focus on user-friendliness; discover new music; choose any genre and listen to the most popular music through top songs and featured albums; and share songs and playlists with friends via Facebook, Twitter or email.
Based on the album or playlist the user is listening to, Dhingana suggests more albums or playlists. Also, you can search music on the basis of genre.
You can also share songs and playlists with friends via Facebook, Twitter or email.
Dhingana is available on the Web, mobile Web and as an app for Windows tablets and smartphones, iPhone, iPad, Android and BlackBerry.
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