Lava had launched their 3G calling tablet, Z7C+ back in April and turns out that the handset is already available at Rs. 8,499 on online retails. The tablet comes in a single color variant; Classic Silver. Moreover, this is an addition to the lavas already rich tablet portfolio which consists of tablets like Xtron, Xtron+, Connect and Z7S. Click Here For Latest Tablets Gallery Moreover, going by the specs, Lava Z7C+ comes with a 7 inch capacitive touchscreen display that offers a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels which is normally a very low number. The latest Lava tablet comes packed with a single core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor clocked at 1 GHz and it runs on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich platform. The competitive market has already grown to the latest iteration of Android Jelly Bean and the 4.0 version is already close to getting outdated. Not only that but the single core CPU is very much likely to get thrashed soon because currently the dual core is in the play. The smartphone has already reached the quad core integration and has reached to the apex. It's just the matter of few weeks or at the most, months, and tablets will soon start coming with a quad core processors. Thus single core tablets are pretty much in verge of being incompetitive. However, the Lava eTab Connect+ or Z7C+ is also backed by a 512 MB RAM. With regards to the connectivity, the tablet includes 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth support and also GPRS, EDGE and USB. The 7 inch tablet also sports a 2 megapixel rear camera and a VGA unit is placed at the front for video calling. The internal storage capacity comes at 4GB which can be expandable up to 32GB via microSD. The Lava eTab Connect+ is eventually powered by a 3,000mAh battery. Moreover, the only thing that the tablet can boast about itself is the 3G calling capability but again there are number of manufacturers like Micromax, Intex, iBall, Penta releasing tablets with SIM support. Thus the market will have its own affect on the Lava eTab Connect+. Further, the domestic tablets are observed to have a bigger display with lesser specs and power. Thus it is obvious that the market is full of lower priced tablets, which means that the competition is more stiff among the budget friendly tablets than others.
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